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Joseph Libonati
Joseph Libonati holds his Ph.D. and is an award-winning professor. He has published numerous manuscripts in the discipline of cardiovascular physiology. His Name Was Ellis is his debut novel.
As sentient, rational beings, we humans are drawn towards understanding the world and our significance in it. Enlightenment thinking - emphasizing science and logic - has provided a fundamental framework in our conceptualization of the such. As a basic scientist (physiologist), I have subscribed to this mode of thought throughout my professional career. However, a few years ago, I found myself looking for 'personal truths' beyond the realm of pure fact. Hence, I became enthralled with the arts, particularly literary fiction. I believe that it is at that the intersection of where the arts meet the sciences that our 'humanness' can be realized.
His Name Was Ellis by Joseph Libonati | Goodreads
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