The Phone Call
by Joseph Libonati
(Flash Fiction)
"Well, that's not what he meant. He clearly wasn’t referring to you when he said that. Of course, I saw him this morning. He lives here for God’s sake. No, we didn’t really discuss it anymore. He wasn’t mad at all. I know. I know. I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings. Yes, like I said, I’m quite sure he didn’t mean anything by...What do you mean you can’t hear me? No, I can't. Look, I need to keep my voice down. I don’t want to start…"
As her voice fades, I flatten my ear against the wall.
"But Bob brought it up. No, he did not. Rocco was only responding to Bob’s comment. No, he's not a Republican. He's registered as an Independent. No, he doesn’t support MAGA.” The floorboards squeak as she paces across our bedroom. “He just said he was tired of being lectured by virtue signalers. It’s not about politics. It’s not…no…it’s his philosophy. Look, he just thinks that with hard work, people can become anything they…No, Meredith. I don’t concede that. America has many issues, but don’t we bear some personal…yes, yes -- he realizes you’re an academic. We do respect your values. But you were dismissing everyone as privileged. His family didn’t have it easy. It was different from us. You know that Daddy takes care of...”
Meredith – what a vampire. Everything’s about her. If she's so educated, she probably ‘OUGHT to’ (in her dramatic, sanctimonious vernacular) have realized that discussing politics at a dinner party is frowned upon. Insufferable.
“No, coal mining is not the same as slavery. But, in a way, paying your hard-earned pennies back to the company store…Yes, I realize that Asa Packer founded Lehigh. Of course, education is important. But his perspective comes from his family. Yes, his grandfather started when he was twelve. I don’t know, shale or something. I know, but he was just thankful he could settle in America. All he’s saying is that’s not privilege. Hey, let me call you back. Vanni just woke from his nap. Yes, he’s home. I know. He likes to rest on Sunday. Alright then. Bye.”
I duck into the bathroom. She takes Vanni downstairs.
I follow them to the living room a few minutes later and turn on FOX. The Birds pregame is starting. I adjust the volume.
“I thought I heard you on the phone.”
“Yeah, I was on with my sister.”
“Christ. What does she want now?”
“You know. Just discussing last night. Roc, you could have been a little nicer to her. You know she just likes to have discussions.”
“She’s a bitch. Thinks she’s better than the rest of us.”
“Well, telling Bob you were going to readjust his face was…”
“If you can’t threaten your bother-in-law, then who can you…? Come on, he knew I was kiddin’. Besides, his pals down at the firm would more than happy to sue me. Right, Vanni. Go Birds. Say…Go Birds. Say…1-800-LAW-SUIT.”
“You know what, can you watch Vanni? I promised I would call her back. I’m going to get dinner together, too.”
“Sure. Come sit on daddy’s lap, big guy. Let’s watch the game. Say…Go Birds. Go BIRDS. That’s it. Good. Hey, Emmy. Don’t forget -- don’t add the basil to the gravy too early. It wilts.”
I turn the volume down. In between the snare of the pot lids, she’s back at it.
“He’s OK. Yes, he always quiets down once we give him his bottle. Yes, he’s with him now. They’re watching the game. It’s so cute, Roc got him a little Eagles Jersey. I’ll send you a pic…yes, yes…I promise. No, the bottle won’t give him an overbite. So, Mom said that Daddy wasn’t feeling well. Indigestion or something. You know Daddy, he never listens. Did you talk with them today? He looked a little tired last night. Yes, I thought he was pale too. No, I don’t think you and Roc upset him. Yes, I’m sure. What did Bob say about the summer? No, we don’t mind. It will be fun to travel together…Mer…can you hold on a sec…Mom’s on the other line.”
Something breaks.
I ring her on Monday.
“I’m so sorry, Meredith. “He was such a great father. I know. I know. I promise to look after her. She’s OK. It’s the shock. Are you guys…? Yes…yes…I love you too. Tell Bob we will be by after we get Vanni dressed. No, don’t worry. We’ll pick your mom up. It will be fine. Hey, Mer -- maybe you ought to write the eulogy.”
Words : 776
